High Stakes and Emergencies: Interdisciplinary Methodologies for Creative Research on Public Space
20-23 Jun 2023 Rennes (France)


Whenever we hear ‘ Attention please! ’ or see a sign with this request in a public space, it is commonly understood that an authority demands our urgent attention.

Depending on context – and if spoken, intonation – it can be a polite request or a downright command to immediately direct our attention in a certain way.

Who has the authority to direct human attention in public spaces and how does this affect the ways in which we engage with our environment(s)?

How do such interactions affect the creation and reception of art in public spaces?

What are the implications for different approaches to social, cultural, political, and ethical issues?


The CAPS summer school will be held as an in-person event in Rennes, France on 20th-23rd June 2023. The conference day on Monday 20th June will be broadcasted on Zoom.

The full summer school is open to all CAPS international partners, as well as Masters and PhD students. It is also open to both academic and non-academic partners in Rennes.

The event is co-organised by the Graduate School for Creative Approaches to Public Space and Dr. Eva Urban-Devereux, visiting professor from Queen's University Belfast.


June 20, 2023 - Conference, in Université Rennes 2 (Lecture Theatre - T1 PNRV)

June 21, 2023 - Theatre workshop in Bois Perrin, Bike partner tour and Reception at EESAB

June 22, 2023 - Publics Art Garage workshop and Celine Ahond's artistic presentation, PhD presentations and round table "Can you hear me?", in Bois Perrin

June 23, 2023 - PhD presentations and round table "The unexpected / The overlooked", creative writing workshop, in Bois Perrin


Side Programme

Exhibition by Tristan Deplus “Homme Toute-main [Code APE : 8121Z]”, La Cantine building

Compagnie In-Situ dance residency, various locations on the Bois Perrin site  

Master CAPS Students’ Presentations in L’École building


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